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An Application as Creative as the Career

Follow the instructions below to complete and submit your Art Direction application. 

Let's to Get to Know You

Answer two (2) of the following questions in a couple of sentences. Be spontaneous. Don’t overthink it. This should only take about 5 minutes.

1. What is your favorite hobby or passion project? 

2. What is your best habit…and what’s your worst?

3. What is your mantra?

4. What’s the best mistake you ever made?

Creative Exercises for Future Art Directors

a. If you already have examples to show us… 
(paintings, drawings, designs, advertising, fashion ideas, tik-toks, blogs, sculptures, poems, photographs, short stories…)
Show us five (5) of your existing pieces, and choose one (1) of the creative exercises below to complete and submit as well.

b. If you don’t have example work to show us…
No worries! Choose any two or three (2-3) of the creative exercises below to submit

Composition is one of the most important skills to have as a visual creator. This should take about 2 hours.

Check out a few examples past students have made:

A good idea comes before technology.

Choose one of these 3 situations and create a tech product / service / app. You don’t need to worry about the technical details or create a video—just write a few lines about your innovative idea.  

  1. Domestic situations for those who share an apartment with friends.
  2. Encourage people to collect poop from their pets on the street.
  3. How to bring people closer even with the social distance during the pandemic.

Create a Mood Board of all elements, feelings, favourites, that best describe the person you are! There are no visual rules or number of elements. Free your imagination.

Examples: photos, drawings, tickets, poems, objects, cards, movie posters, and whatever else you want.

Walk around your neighborhood. Take at least 5 photos that tell a story. It can be as simple as bikes in your neighborhood, what people leave on their porches and even interesting cracks on the sidewalk.  

Write a caption for each image. 

Recycle. Reuse. Rethink.

Stir up your imagination and put a discarded object or package to a creative use. You can present a photograph of what you create or even an idea doodle.

Explore the creative exercises for our other programs.

Next Application Deadline: April 30

Our programs start 4 times a year: in January,
April, July, and October. Applications close a few months before. Click below to find out more about our admissions process and take the first step towards your dream career today.

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