Student Housing Just Became as Simple as Finding a Starbucks
Student subletting and housing will never be the same. We’re all too familiar with how difficult it can be to find housing when moving to different campuses or attending internships in other cities. Miami Ad School is excited to introduce The Network.
The Network was completely designed by a graduate of the Miami Ad School, Stacey Frederickson, as well as instructor, Carlos Roncajolo. But they’re just part of a team that created the next best thing for student housing! The Network is a free platform available to students at institutions across the world. If your school is not already listed on The Network, all you need to do is ask for it to be added. It’s that simple!
The Network originally started out as a simple spreadsheet created by Zeke Silvani while studying for his MBA at HAAS UC Berkeley. That simple spreadsheet was eventually shared amongst students from prestigious schools all over the country. Zeke now works at Google and handed off the reigns to his brother-in-law Carlos Roncajolo and his team. It really is an awesome sight to see the internet do great things and share such powerful resources. Remember, The Network is completely free!
There are now over 5,000 students from prestigious schools like Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Duke, Yale, Miami Ad School and many more are being added everyday. You’ll be able to post sublets, search for sublets, and even communicate with other students studying in programs much like yours. The best part is you’re part of an exclusive community available only to students. Plus, its free to use.
Please sign up at www.thenetwork.io with your Miami Ad School email address and start enjoying everything that The Network has to offer!