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Spare Time Gallery Celebrates the Personal Artwork of the Creative Business Community

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Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center Opens Spare Time Gallery This November 9th at 6:00 PM

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Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center announces the opening of Spare Time Gallery, the first space dedicated to celebrating the personal artwork of the creative business community. The projects and pieces that offer a look at the inner workings of the imagination. The first show, which will open to the public on Thursday, November 9th at 6:00 PM, will feature artwork from creatives at agencies such as Kids II, VML, and Ogilvy Mather, a collective of illustrators that have worked with entertainment companies like Bento Box, Cartoon Network, DC Comics and Marvel Comics, as well as art from Portfolio Center students and faculty.
“Spare Time Gallery is a space for the after-hours personal work, the artistic play and exploration creatives engage in. The kind of experimentation that often influences the work they do for their companies and clients.”
—Pippa Seichrist, Miami Ad School Co-Founder
The Gallery will serve as an open forum for collaboration within the creative community. Its quarterly events will feature solo shows and themed group exhibitions of leading creative professionals who are also artists in their own right and work that has influenced and helped launch successful advertising campaigns for global brands. Shows will also incorporate experiential elements that invite guests to collaborate in the creative process. Some of the work on display may be for sale at the artists’ discretion.

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Future events will also take place at alternate venues within Miami Ad School’s network of 16 locations in 10 countries worldwide.

RSVP for the opening at sparetimegallery.com.


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