Smartphone Photography – The Hottest Tool in Content Creation
Your best camera is in your pocket. Take a course and learn all the tricks and apps.
Who would have dreamed that the smartphone would become the camera of choice for advertising agencies. (Thank you Steve Jobs for your vision!) The smartphone’s small size, attachable lenses and video and photo-manipulation apps make it an amazing production tool.
Great News! Advertising Jobs Are at Their Highest Level Since 2001. Here’s Why:
With the boom of social media, brands need content for all the different platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, SnapChat…) The demand for content for social media has created a whole new discipline called content creation. Content creation is the hottest and fastest growing area of the business and one of the reasons advertising jobs are at their highest level since 2001 according to The Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Jobs in Content Creation Are Perfect for People Who Like Photography and Video.
Someone has to create all those videos, photographs and animated gifs. Agencies, scrambling to create more content (videos & images) in a shorter period of time, are building content creation studios inside their agencies. Taking production in-house streamlines the process because agencies don’t need to spend time sourcing the project to an outside production studio. Forward thinking agencies like Droga5, BBH, Richards Group and R/GA have already built in-house studios. (These agencies have also hired a lot of Miami Ad School graduates.) The in-house studios are creative playgrounds complete with green screens and stations for stop-motion animation. Miami Ad School also has content creation studios where students have all the tools they need to bring their ideas to life: green-screen backdrops, lights, tripods…
Our New Course in Smartphone Photography and Social Media
In the new photography course, “Smartphone Photography and Social Media” students learn the proper use of smartphones for photography, video and editing. They learn to use apps that allow them to edit directly on the phone itself (no additional Photoshop or computer editing needed). Students also learn to use social media beyond just chatting with friends and family. They learn to use social media to build brands. They also learn to create content for their own personal branding which is a powerful marketing and self-promotion tool for these emerging photography and video professionals. (This is necessary for art directors and copywriters too.) All students in advertising need to be content creators!
Learn more about our Photography & Video Program which will prepare you for a job as a content creator.
student work: Smartphone Photography Course
Student: Alejandra Briceno
Student: Christopher Serrano
Student: Ashly Hernandez
Students update the work in their existing social media channels and start using new platforms. The course looks at Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Behance, Tumblr and smartphone photography communities like VSCO, UltraVisual, Artifact Uprising and streaming tools like Periscope.
The instructor, Jorge Para, adds a twist at the end of the Smartphone Photography course. The students deliver their final portfolio as prints. Students use the platform from Artifact Uprising, which specializes in printing images from smartphones, via their smartphone app. Their online community of iPhone and smartphone shooters is a powerful example of how far smart photography has come. Students enjoy seeing gallery-quality prints of their work that they can exhibit in the school’s end of quarter show.
About the Instructor:
Jorge Parra is an active Fashion, Beauty and Portrait Photographer/Director working mostly in the advertising and leisure/luxury markets. Relocated from Venezuela to the USA about 10 years ago, Jorge has been running advanced photography classes at Miami Ad School for the last three years. Find out more about Jorge at www.JorgeParra.com
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