A Shirt That Makes You More Creative?!

Yes! This shirt will have your fingers flying in Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator and Premier.
This cheaT-shirt will help your creative ideas come to life. Need a new layer in Photoshop but don’t remember the key command? Just look down. There, printed on your chest is the answer: shift + command + n. The answers to all of your Adobe key command questions are right in front of you printed upside down for easy reference.
You can find this shirt and other creative gear in the Miami Ad School store. The store features designs created by Miami Ad School students. Then check out our creative programs. You will see that advertising and design is about more than ads or logos. Classes focus on ideas and innovation. Students learn new ways of thinking and creating. Many of the basic skills are the same and everyone needs them: Art Director, Graphic Designer, Photographer/Videographer, or Copywriter. After that it’s just a matter of emphasis. Like the icing on your creative cake.