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Jon Kubik Discusses Decode Jay Z With Bing Campaign

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Every week, students have the opportunity to hear from top people in the industry speak about their experiences, get tips on their portfolios and even take the Heroes out for a beer. It is a little more significant when the Hero is a grad because it’s easier for a student to imagine themselves as the creative they aspire to be – to see the path of another person who made it through portfolio school, the interview process, and is succeeding in their chosen career.

Last summer Miami Ad School graduate, and at the time, Senior Art Director at BBDO, Jon Kubik went back to his alma mater in South Beach to be a part of the Industry Hero series. Jon, along with partner and fellow Miami Ad School alum Adam Noel, came up with the wildly popular Decode Jay Z With Bing campaign while working at Droga5. Take a look at the video below to see everything it took to launch such a successful, intricate campaign. Jon and Adam now are both Associate Creative Directors at BBDO.

Pippa Seichrist interviews Jon Kubik About His Campaign For Decode Jay Z with Bing.

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