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The Application is Fun
Have a question?
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4 Easy Steps to Apply
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Admissions Requirements” _builder_version=”3.27.4″ _i=”1″ _address=”″]
Step 1 – Personal Information
Enter your name, address, birthday – you know the drill. You’ll also need to upload two forms of identification.
Step 2 – Education History
Provide a copy of your official transcripts or diploma of the last school you attended.
Step 3 – Introduction Meeting
Schedule a time for your meeting. It can be done in person or over video chat.
Step 4 – Creative Exercises
Submit the creative requirements that correspond to your favorite program.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_accordion admin_label=”creative exercises” _builder_version=”3.18″ toggle_level=”h3″ toggle_font=”Raleway|200|||||||” toggle_font_size=”20″ body_font=”Open Sans|300|||||||” body_text_color=”#888888″ _i=”2″ _address=”″][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Art Direction” open=”on” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”0″ _address=”″]
Submit any two of the three assignments below.
Assignment 1: Creative Samples
We want to know who you are as a creative person. Please share five of the favorite things you have created. You can include: photography, advertising, illustrations, designs, poems, raps, paintings, comedy routines, sculptures, cards, games, videos, websites, short stories, comic strips…you get the idea!
Assignment 2: Brand Building
Create a new absurd line of soft drinks in quirky, misshapen bottles. Name the drink and describe your product concept. Come up with three flavorings and design a bottle sharpe and label for each flavor. Use a separate sheet of paper for each flavor’s design. Also, design a promotional poster for the line. You may submit your work in any way you feel comfortable working; sketches, colored drawings, computer layouts.
Assignment 3: Creating Visual Impact
One technique used to create attention-getting advertising is to combines two unrelated visuals. The iconic posters for Absolute Vodka were created using this technique. The Absolute New York poster combines the vodka bottle with Yellow Cab taxis. Absolute Miami combines the vodka bottle with a beachside hotel.
The key to this technique is to generate a lot of ideas because the first idea is often predictable. For example, combine shoe and duck. A quick but expected solution would be to put shoes on a duck. But a more interesting idea might be shoes made from mallard duck feathers instead of leather. Or a shoe that is webbed and colored like a duck foot.
Now it’s your turn. Combine the words dog and car. Sketch at least 10 ideas, each on its own sheet of paper. Submit your three favorite ideas. If needed include shot descriptions.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Copywriting” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”1″ _address=”″ open=”off”]
Submit any two of the three assignments below.
Assignment 1: Creative Samples
We want to know who you are as a creative person. Please share five of the favorite things you have created. You can include: photography, advertising, illustrations, designs, poems, raps, paintings, comedy routines, sculptures, cards, games, videos, websites, short stories, comic strips…you get the idea!
Assignment 2: Brand Building (Choose either exercise.)
A. Imagine an app for reuniting owners with their missing pets. Name the app. Tell how it works and write the copy for a home page. Your idea should fit on one page.
B. For an existing household commodity product, like laundry detergent or dish soap, concept a campaign directed towards men. Come up with three ideas. Provide the headline, copy, and a rough sketch of each ad on a separate sheet of paper. You may use any appropriate media.
Assignment 3: Storytelling (Choose either exercise.)
These days perhaps storytelling is the most important writing skill to have.
A. Write a story about your grandparents. Remember the story doesn’t have to be true. Stories almost never are. Otherwise they would just be facts. (500 word maximum)
B. Select one of the images below. Tell what happened before or after the photograph was taken. Avoid the expected. (250-300 words).
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Creative Technology” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”2″ _address=”″ open=”off”]
Submit any two of the three assignments below.
Assignment 1: Creative Samples
We want to know who you are as a creative person. Please share five of the favorite things you’ve created. You can include: photography, advertising, illustrations, designs, poems, paintings, comedy routines, sculptures, cards, games, videos, websites, short stories, comic strips … you get the idea!
Assignment 2: Virtual Reality Brand Experience
As a creative technologist, your approach is part right brain, part left brain, building bridges between ideas and technology. You’ll come up with creative ideas and translate them technically and practically afterwards, providing innovative, technology based solutions. So … this task a try:
For a brand or a product of your choice, create an engaging experience in Virtual Reality that makes the user understand the brand and its product. Describe, code, paint or scribble your idea and approach. It’s the idea that counts, not the execution. Here are two good examples of creative technology: Kia, Red Bull
Assignment 3: Experiential Marketing
Imagine an interactive wall that could be operated with an app on your smartphone. Sketch, photograph, describe, paint or collage an idea what could happen on this interactive wall for marketing purposes. You can choose the field this idea might take place in — e.g sports, arts, fashion, games, automotive, or music industry. Example of projection wall and floor.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Design” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”3″ _address=”″ open=”off”]
Submit any two of the three assignments below.
Assignment 1: Creative Samples
We want to know who you are as a creative person. Please share five of the favorite things you have created. You can include: photography, advertising, illustrations, designs, poems, raps, paintings, comedy routines, sculptures, cards, games, videos, websites, short stories, comic strips…you get the idea!
Assignment 2: The Power of Contrast
Choose one of the four options below. Illustrate the word so that visually it has the opposite meaning of the actual word. For example the word HOT made out of ice cubes. You can sketch, photograph, paint or collage your selected word: Short, Boring, Happy. Or you can pick your own word to illustrate.
Assignment 3: Data Visualization
The charts below are examples of how good design can make data more interesting to look at and understand.
Now it’s your turn. Choose one of the assignments below. Make your own chart creative and easy to read by using photos, shapes, illustration, cartoon, symbols or any other technique. You can create the chart by hand or on the computer.
A. Design a chart of common junk foods that kids eat along with corresponding calorie information. The chart will be used as a poster in school lunchrooms.
B. Design a chart that depicts your favorite personality characteristics in your parent(s). Be sure to label the traits. Have fun and be inventive. (Share your chart and make their day!)
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Front End Development” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”4″ _address=”″ open=”off”]
Complete both exercises.
The exercises below are straight forward examples that use different aspects of basic web development. Both will require a small amount of online research but are easily achievable by someone with research skills, basic computer knowledge and perseverance. It should take approximately an hour to complete. The ability to quickly research topics and immediately deploy what you’ve learned is a daily occurrence for front-end developers.
Exercise 1: GitHub
Create a GitHub account. Create a new repository. Create a folder on your computer that will hold your web development projects. Open up your command line utility Terminal on MacOS, Command Prompt in Windows or your preferred command line utility in Linux. Using your command line utility, do the following. Clone your repository into your folder. Create an HTML file with an emptyand. Create a folder within your repository named ‘css’ and create a CSS file in that folder. Within the CSS file create an empty body selector. Create a folder within your repository named “is” and create a JavaScript file within that folder. Within the JavaScript file, create a console log that outputs “Hello World”.
Exercise 2: HTML5
Convert your resume into HTML5 format.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Photography & Video” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”5″ _address=”″ open=”off”]
Submit any two of the three assignments below.
Assignment 1: Creative Samples
We want to know who you are as a creative person. Please share five of the favorite things you have created. You can include: photography, advertising, illustrations, designs, poems, raps, paintings, comedy routines, sculptures, cards, games, videos, websites, short stories, comic strips…you get the idea!
Assignment 2: Storytelling
Create a series of at least 4 photographs or a one minute video that tells, from a dog’s point of view, what their day is like. Add captions if needed. Have fun!
Assignment 3: Light and Shadow
Sometimes the best photograph is not of a subject but of the shadow the subject casts. Submit three photographs of interesting shadows like the examples below.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Strategic Planning” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”6″ _address=”″ open=”off”]
Complete both exercises.
Exercise 1: What area of strategy is the most interesting to you and why? (approx. 500 word count)
Strategy Directors have always looked for new hires who were intellectually curious people able to distill complex thoughts into human insights. But with the ever-increasing complexity of communication, strategists are expected to work in new ways, turn briefs around more quickly and collaborate with other teams in the agency. Strategists have also become more specialized. There are brand, digital, social, content, UX, and participation strategists to name only a few. What area of strategy is the most interesting to you and why?
Exercise 2: Pick a commercial from the last Super Bowl. In your opinion, what is the communication strategy behind the spot? Include a link to the commercial. (approx. 500 word count)
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Social Strategy” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”7″ _address=”″ open=”off”]
Complete both exercises:
Exercise 1: What is the latest social media marketing trend that you find interesting? And why? (approx. 500 word count)
Exercise 2: What is the latest social media campaign you wish you were responsible for creating? And why? (approx. 300 word count)
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”UX Design” _builder_version=”3.18″ _i=”8″ _address=”″ open=”off”]
Complete both exercises.
Creative Exercise 1: In Search of Couch
Imagine you are downsizing and moving from a house to an apartment or condo. You’re looking for a new couch (maximum width 65″) to fit your smaller space. A friend recently moved and recommended 3 websites for you to visit: CB2, IKEA and Wayfair.
Briefly describe what you would do to find a couch with these dimensions. What are the main differences between these 3 websites in the way they present information? How easy or difficult is it to find a couch to fit your new space? Rank the sites from easiest to most difficult.
Which site has the best user experience? Which site displays the product information (including dimensions in the clearest manner? What, if anything, would you do to improve it?
Creative Exercise 2: UX App Evaluation
Choose an app you use frequently. In approximately 150 words, briefly describe the purpose of the app, what you like most about it and what you like least about it. If you could change one thing about the app. what would it be? How would you change it and why?
[/et_pb_accordion_item][/et_pb_accordion][et_pb_text admin_label=”Common questions” _builder_version=”3.27.4″ _i=”3″ _address=”″]
“When will I know if I am accepted?”
The typical turn-around time for applications is about two weeks from the time we receive your completed application packet.
Are you an international student?
There are additional requirements for international students. Please check with the location you’re applying to for further instructions.
Are you interested in financial aid?
Please check with the location you’re applying to for further instructions. Financial aid may be available.
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Ready for a New Career?
Start in January, April, July or October