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Choosing a career path wasn’t easy for me

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For the four years after college I tried five different careers: Premed Student. Clinical Researcher. Marketer. Photographer. Third Grade Teacher. While I was good at all of them, none were right for me. Choosing a career path wasn’t easy for me. It isn’t easy for most people. Here are three important questions that helped me find my way.

1. What am I good at?

2. What am I passionate about?

3. Where do I see a future for myself?

When the answer to these three questions is the same, you have found the direction you should be running in.

For all the careers I pursued after college, none of them answered all three of these questions. I was good at science, but I wasn’t passionate about it. Medicine didn’t get me excited. I was really good at teaching and I was passionate about teaching my kids everyday, but I didn’t really see myself as a teacher in the long run. Then I found advertising and art direction. 

I know I’m pretty good at photography and design. I’m good at strategizing and collaborating with talented people. I’m passionate about creativity and art – I read advertising magazines and design blogs in my free time. I see a future for myself in art direction. I see different directions that I can take with a career in advertising. I realized that a career in advertising answers all three of my questions.

So what about you? Does your current career path answer all three of those questions? If you’re not sure, that’s okay! Spend some time thinking about your talents, your passions, and your future. Ask your friends and family what they think. It will take time to figure everything out. Even when you think you have your career path decided, it will probably change! But that’s life. Change will happen. Everyone’s journey is different. Just take it one step at a time!
Phillip Lee, art direction student, Miami Ad School San Francisco

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