Choosing a career path wasn’t easy for me
For the four years after college I tried five different careers: Premed Student. Clinical Researcher. Marketer. Photographer. Third Grade Teacher. While I was good at all of them, none were right for me. Choosing a career path wasn’t easy for me. It isn’t easy for most people. Here are three important questions that helped me find my way.
1. What am I good at?
2. What am I passionate about?
3. Where do I see a future for myself?
When the answer to these three questions is the same, you have found the direction you should be running in.
For all the careers I pursued after college, none of them answered all three of these questions. I was good at science, but I wasn’t passionate about it. Medicine didn’t get me excited. I was really good at teaching and I was passionate about teaching my kids everyday, but I didn’t really see myself as a teacher in the long run. Then I found advertising and art direction.
I know I’m pretty good at photography and design. I’m good at strategizing and collaborating with talented people. I’m passionate about creativity and art – I read advertising magazines and design blogs in my free time. I see a future for myself in art direction. I see different directions that I can take with a career in advertising. I realized that a career in advertising answers all three of my questions.

Phillip Lee, art direction student, Miami Ad School San Francisco