Set up your Miami Ad School Squarespace Portfolio in 8 Easy Steps
Ready to get started? Here you’ll find a step-by-step guide to everything you need to know about signing up, creating your online portfolio, and redeeming your extended trial and discount.
1. Explore the templates and find one that feels like you. You can browse all of the templates and even check out customer example sites for inspiration.
2. Start a free trial using your @mad-dev.10web.site email. You can do so right from your selected template and a temporary URL will be created. This can be changed when you upgrade but for now, submit this URL using the form on the home page and your trial will be extended for one year.
It’s really important that you sign up with your school email address so that when the time comes, your discount can be applied automatically. You can always add additional email addresses to the account (such as a gmail or hotmail) but your @mad-dev.10web.site needs to be associated with your account until you upgrade.
If you accidentally signed up with another email, you can find instructions on how to update your email.
3. Verify your school email address. You will each receive an email asking you to verify your @mad-dev.10web.site email address. Once you do this, you’ll be all set to redeem the discount when you’re ready.
If for any reason you do not receive a verification email, follow Step 3 here to resend your verification. If you’re still having issues, contact Customer Care.
4. Start playing with your site. Watch the tutorials. Load your picture, bio and a project. Learn how the site works and the best ways to showcase you and your work. Each quarter continue to evolve your site with new projects.
5. Add your unique perspective to your site. Maybe you:
- Keep a blog with a nugget of information you learned from each instructor or hero.
- Share observations you have while living in different cultures on Quarter Away.
- Showcase a unique creative interest like stand-up comedy, building marionette puppets, or painting caricatures on Coke bottles. (Yes, Miami Ad School students have excelled at these activities.)
6. Attend portfolio coaching sessions. Agencies review the on-line portfolios to make their student selections. Make your site reflect how amazing you are.
7. Upgrade your site after a year. When your complementary year is coming to an end, Squarespace will send you instructions on how to upgrade and redeem the 50% discount. Remember, this discount is only valid with annual plans.
- Personal Plan: $60 for the year
- Professional Plan: $120 for the year
- Business Plan: $180 for the year
(After your first year, you will be transitioned to standard pricing.)
8. Keep evolving your site. By the time you graduate you’ll have a killer portfolio site and a network of industry contacts to send it to!