8 Miami Ad School New York students kick off 48 hour challenge
Kite Patch is a sticker designed to block mosquitoes’ ability to track humans for 48 hours. Malaria continues to kill a child every minute of the day. But by making humans invisible to mosquitoes, Kite Patch has the power to significantly impact malaria transmission rates.
Kite Patch has received a lot of attention, largely due to the crowdsourcing campaign on Indiegogo that was created to help advance the project. Support has been tremendous, with over $500,000 raised against an initial goal of $75,000. 60 hours remain to reach the stretch goal of $600,000.
When Patrick Horton, art direction student at Miami Ad School New York, first learned about this groundbreaking project last month, he knew that Miami Ad School could have a profound impact “not by donating money, but by devoting our time and skills to the cause.”
Two students from the summer Account Planning Bootcamp, Adrienne Ziluca and Sytse Kooistra, eagerly joined the team. Based on direct input from Kite Patch, they decided to focus the group’s efforts on the immediate challenge: How can we maintain and build upon the initial engagement, while the product is being tested and developed?
Where does the 48 hour challenge come in? Although we all know time is a precious resource, we only truly value time when it’s suddenly put into context. The 48 hour challenge was born out of the campaign strategy to help buy more time to beat malaria. Time is the most precious good on this planet. The campaign seeks to show that by supporting Kite Patch, you can increase the supply of time for someone who could potentially run out of it at any second.
With a team of 6 creatives and 2 planners the #48hoursofdifference challenge began Monday, August 26th at 2PM EST.
Kite Patch works for 48 hours. What if Miami Ad School could make a difference in 48 hours too? Check out http://48hoursofdifference.tumblr.com/ for live updates. Stay tuned for ways to get involved.