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Careful What You Tweet

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How many times have you claimed on social media that you would do something if given the chance. You kind of knew you were safe, it could never happen so you brag a little. Better be careful. Heineken is calling people out on their claims and making them drop their sandwich and go.

Over the summer, Heineken placed a big destination board in New York’s JFK airport challenging people to change their plans and go to a random destination for a new adventure on a whim. As these scenarios played out, people took to Twitter boasting how they would do it in a heartbeat and wished they had the chance. Heineken tracked them down and gave them that chance.

We heard from grads Will Binder (CW) and Jared White (AD), who worked on the campaign, that it is featured on Creativity today – congrats guys! Take a look at the video below and see how many people will actually put their travel where their Tweet is.

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