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Doing What You Love is Career-Enhancing

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When you do what you love, it shows. Pippa Seichrist speaks at Miami Ad School Atlanta @ Portfolio Center for SheSays on how doing work you’re passionate about makes you a better professional and a happier one.

shesays atlanta pippa speaking portfolio center what you love

The Atlanta chapter of SheSays—The Only Global Creative Network for Women, will be presenting a talk by Miami Ad School Co-Founder, Head of Innovation and Portfolio Center Director Pippa Seichrist.

In “How Doing What You Love Is Good For Your Career,” Pippa will discuss how the personal “passion” projects you take on outside of work can raise your profile and bolster your reputation, leading to a more successful and fulfilling career. All this is in addition to the rewards of the projects themselves. These things you love—maybe they’re hobbies, cause-related work or fine art projects—can be signposts on the path that takes you beyond a mere career. Maybe all the way to a calling you never knew you had.

Be sure to join us on Wednesday, July 27th at 6:30 PM at Portfolio Center. ( RSVP and get directions here).

Do the thing you love, and that thing will love you back. Join Pippa at Portfolio Center in Atlanta and find out how.

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